Thursday, December 30, 2010

So in Love...

We went in for our anatomy scan this afternoon, and this is the sweet profile picture we recieved!  I am so in love with our little baby!  I think he/she has my nose, at lesat thats what it looks like now.  :)  The ultrasound tech took a lot of measurements and everything is right on track.  The baby weighs 9 oz, and we saw its little feet and its little hands, even got a little wave.  Baby was very cooperative and didn't squirm too much.  Heartbeat is still strong at 151 bpm, and we saw the four chambers of the heart.  All in all a wonderful day!

I am still feeling well, still getting migraines, but I think (I hope) they are letting up a tad.

How far along? 18 weeks 3 days Pregnant
Weight gain: 7 pounds
Bump: a Little one that only shows in certain clothes
Maternity clothes:  Pants yes, but still able to wear some regular shirts.
Belly Button:  Still an innie
Linea Negra:  Beginning to appear
Gender:  Staying strong on Team Green
Movement:  Just beginning to feel flutters, especially at night when I am laying down for bed.
Food Cravings:  Milk

I am looking forward to feeling the baby move more often, and to going to Dallas next weekend to do some baby shopping and maternity clothes shopping!  Hate that I am missing the Cotton Bowl, but I will deal with it!

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