Thursday, December 30, 2010

So in Love...

We went in for our anatomy scan this afternoon, and this is the sweet profile picture we recieved!  I am so in love with our little baby!  I think he/she has my nose, at lesat thats what it looks like now.  :)  The ultrasound tech took a lot of measurements and everything is right on track.  The baby weighs 9 oz, and we saw its little feet and its little hands, even got a little wave.  Baby was very cooperative and didn't squirm too much.  Heartbeat is still strong at 151 bpm, and we saw the four chambers of the heart.  All in all a wonderful day!

I am still feeling well, still getting migraines, but I think (I hope) they are letting up a tad.

How far along? 18 weeks 3 days Pregnant
Weight gain: 7 pounds
Bump: a Little one that only shows in certain clothes
Maternity clothes:  Pants yes, but still able to wear some regular shirts.
Belly Button:  Still an innie
Linea Negra:  Beginning to appear
Gender:  Staying strong on Team Green
Movement:  Just beginning to feel flutters, especially at night when I am laying down for bed.
Food Cravings:  Milk

I am looking forward to feeling the baby move more often, and to going to Dallas next weekend to do some baby shopping and maternity clothes shopping!  Hate that I am missing the Cotton Bowl, but I will deal with it!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Mom's Favorite Picture from Christmas

Mom told Kevin to put his hands on my belly for a picture, and well, he literally just stuck his hands on my belly, and I thought it was hilarious.  I guess you had to be there, but I am so glad she captured the moment!

Merry Christmas!!!

Been awhile.. I'll get better

Well I see I have already totally slacked on this blogging thing.  I hope I can get better.  We shall see.

Ok so what has happened the past month.  Well really all that stands out in my mind is our trip to DC and Christmas.  I will have to post pics from the trip later (since I can't find my cord to upload the photos).  It was a wonderful trip!  We went to a lot of museums.  We saw the American history Museum, The Museum of Natural History, the Holocaust Museum, The Spy Museum, the Phillips Collection, to name a few.  We saw the monuments, and Kevin geeked out at the supreme court while I did a little work networking in Virginia.
I shopped, we ate very well, and we did a lot of walking!  I was so glad I had my energy back for the trip!  My highlight was dinner and a night at the Kennedy Center to see the Nutcracker.  I think Kevin enjoyed it as well.  We spent Thanksgiving at the Normans in Vienna, VA.  It was so nice to be with family friends, and make some new ones in the process!  We had a lovely meal, and then the girls played Cranium while the boys watched football.  Perfect day all around. 
We made it back to Shreveport in time to go visit with some of Kevin's family that we don't get to see often.  And then I crashed!  For about 12 hours.  I guess baby was tired. 

Sometime between thanksgiving and Christmas we bought the crib, I am in love with it:

We are going to pick it up this week!

We had a wonderful Christmas!  Kevin got me a Canon Rebel camera.  Now I just need some time to figure out how to use it.  I got Kevin a flip video camera and he is having fun playing with it.

This post is getting a tad long, so I'll update more later!