I can't believe he is almost a month old. I really meant to update sooner, but we had a little bump in the road when he hit two weeks old,(more about that later) and I am just now getting back into a "little" routine. I say little because it is very hard to have a routine with a newborn.
So first things first, The Birth:
We checked into the hospital at a little before 5:00 am on Thursday, May 26. We got to our room and I got hooked up to some IVs and started answering a ton of questions while Kevin went back to the house because I forgot my pillows. So glad he went back for them, it made me so much more comfortable during the labor and delivery.
At around 5:15 the nurse started the Pitocin, and we were on our way.
I labored until they broke my water at 7:20 with no change since what I was when I came in, 2 cm and 70% effaced. The contractions really started to pick up at this point and I asked for pain meds at 8:15, but the baby was still high and I had not dilated anymore so they wanted to wait on the epi, so I received Stadol (sp?) and Phengren and I immediately felt some relief, but not for long.After sleeping for an hour or so I woke up to some intense pain. The nurse called and the doctor let me get my epi, boy was that AWESOME! I fell asleep for a bit and Kevin went to grab a cup of coffee and I awoke to 5-6 nurses around me putting oxygen on me and having me turn over, because baby's heart rate was seriously low. They put an internal monitor in and they still couldn't get a good read. I am actually glad I was a little out of it because I didn't realize how worried everyone was. I think they may have been thinking of a c-section at this point, and then his heart rate picked back up. They said it was because I went from 2cm to 5cm and 100% effaced in a very short period and he just didn't handle it well. I am pretty sure they turned the pitocin down at this point, but as I said I was a little out of it and Kevin was getting coffee..poor guy felt so bad when he got back...He promised never to go get coffee again!
Pretty much smooth sailing from there, by noon I was 9 cm! and 20 minutes later I was complete. I started pushing at 12:40 and at 2:10 baby Thatcher James Payne arrived. Hearing "its a boy" was an amazing moment! He was put on my chest immediately and didn't leave our room until late last night for his first bath.
Here we are, happy family!
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