Thursday, November 18, 2010

I'll give this a shot...

So, I have decided to join the world of blogs.  Why?  Mainly because Kevin and I are expecting our first child in May, and I thought this would be a great way to update family and friends on our little one.  I have never done well with diaries or the like, so we will see how this goes. 

So first things first:  as I sit here today I am 12 weeks 3 days pregnant.  I am headed to the doctor this afternoon for an ultrasound.  So excited to see the baby again, and see how much he/she has grown.  How am I feeling?  I am feeling pretty good for the most part, I think the worst is behind me.  Showing yet?  Not really.  I can tell a little bit, but only when I wear a tighter shirt than the loose flow-y ones I have been sporting.  Feeling the baby yet?  No, thought I felt a flutter last night, but I am sure it was just gas.

Here is baby Payne (or as my fam has taken to calling it, Peanut Payne).

8 weeks 3 days
 10 weeks 3 days
What else besides baby is going on?  Kevin and I are headed to DC on Saturday!  Kevin has never been before and I haven't been since I was in middle school, so we are very excited.  I will post all about our trip when we get back.  We will be there during Thanksgiving, which means we will miss out on the Payne Family get together, but hopefully we can see everyone we get back.

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